Thursday, May 15, 2008

Return from Sabbatical

That almost sounds like the title of a B-grade Western!

Well, it is good to be back after six weeks of sabbatical. A big "thank you" to my elders and the congregation for giving me the time off.

It will be a little while before I start downloading transcripts from my sermons! I've got to get back in the groove from my sabbatical.

Next Sunday's sermon will not be downloaded. It is a presentation that relies heavily upon material by James Choung's presentation of the gospel narrative. I recommend you go to and check out his book True Story and the brief video clip which goes along with it.

Choung's gospel presentation serves as a wonderful alternative to the old "cross bridge" many people used to share their faith. It presents a fuller view of God's story of redemption and takes the emphasis off of individualism, giving a more biblical picture.

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